How to Find What Ecommerce Platform a Website Uses

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With the growing popularity of ecommerce, many businesses are opting to create their online stores. If you’re curious about the ecommerce platform a particular website is using, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide you with several methods to uncover the platform behind any website. Let’s get started!

1. Check the Footer

One of the easiest ways to identify the ecommerce platform is by scrolling down to the footer of the website. Often, websites powered by popular platforms will include a small logo or text indicating the platform they’re using. This can be a helpful clue in your investigation.

2. Analyze the Source Code

If the footer doesn’t reveal any information, you can dig a little deeper by examining the website’s source code. Right-click anywhere on the website and select “View Page Source” or “Inspect Element.” Look for any references to known ecommerce platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, or BigCommerce.

3. Identify Unique Platform URLs

Some ecommerce platforms have specific URLs or patterns that can give away their identity. For example, if you notice URLs like “/cart” or “/checkout,” it indicates that the website is using a particular platform’s shopping cart or checkout system. A quick Google search with these URLs can help you identify the ecommerce platform.

4. Use BuiltWith

BuiltWith is a popular online tool that can help you identify the technology stack of a website, including the ecommerce platform. Visit the BuiltWith website ( and enter the URL of the website you’re interested in. The tool will provide you with a detailed report, highlighting the ecommerce platform used.

5. Look for CMS Clues

Content Management Systems (CMS) are often linked to specific ecommerce platforms. If you notice any indications of a CMS, such as “/wp-admin” (WordPress) or “/admin” (Drupal), it can give you a hint about the underlying ecommerce platform. CMS platforms often integrate seamlessly with specific ecommerce solutions.

6. Seek Help from Online Communities

If all else fails, reach out to online communities and forums dedicated to ecommerce. Many experienced users and professionals can often identify ecommerce platforms just by looking at a website. Share the URL and ask for assistance in identifying the platform.

7. Observe the Checkout Process

Another clue lies in the checkout process itself. Pay attention to the appearance and functionality of the shopping cart, the payment gateways, and any specific features. Different ecommerce platforms have unique checkout designs and functionalities, which you can compare to popular platforms to make an educated guess.

8. Look for Platform-Specific Files

Some ecommerce platforms use specific files or directories that can indicate their presence. For example, if you come across files like “shopify.js” or “magento.css,” it’s a strong indication of the platform in use. Keep an eye out for these types of files while exploring the website.

9. Check for Platform Error Messages

If the website encounters an error or has issues, the platform may display specific error messages. These messages often contain the name or code of the ecommerce platform being used. Refresh the page or try to trigger an error to see if any platform-specific messages appear.

10. Investigate the Favicon

While this method may not always yield results, some ecommerce platforms have unique favicons associated with their brand. The favicon is the small icon that appears in your browser’s tab or bookmarks. Look for any unusual or recognizable icons that could indicate the underlying ecommerce platform.

11. Compare Design Templates

Ecommerce platforms usually offer a range of design templates or themes for website owners to choose from. Familiarize yourself with the designs and layouts offered by popular platforms. By comparing the website’s design elements to these templates, you may get a clue about the platform it’s built on.

12. Consult the Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine ( is a valuable resource that allows you to explore website history. Enter the URL of the website you’re interested in and view its past versions. Sometimes, older versions of the website may display platform information or provide a hint about the ecommerce platform in use.

13. Look for Platform-Specific URLs

Similar to unique platform URLs, some ecommerce platforms have specific URLs for administrative or management purposes. For example, Shopify often uses URLs like “/admin” or “/dashboard.” By identifying these URLs, you can narrow down the possibilities and determine the platform.

14. Examine the Robots.txt File

Robots.txt is a file used by websites to communicate with search engine crawlers. Sometimes, this file may contain references to the ecommerce platform being used. Enter “/robots.txt” after the website’s URL to view its contents and search for any platform-related mentions.

15. Research with WhoIs

WhoIs is a database that provides information about the ownership and registration of domain names. Visit the WhoIs website ( and enter the website’s domain name. While it may not always provide ecommerce platform details, you might uncover other useful information that can assist you in your search.

16. Consider the Site’s Age

Older websites are more likely to be using established ecommerce platforms. Research the website’s launch date or use tools like “WhoIs” or the Wayback Machine to determine its age. This information can help you narrow down the list of potential platforms.

17. Look for Integrated Services

Ecommerce platforms often integrate with various third-party services, such as email marketing tools or payment gateways. Look for any visible signs of these integrated services on the website. Many platforms have unique integration methods or display specific logos, which can be a giveaway.

18. Analyze the URL Structure

The structure of a website’s URLs can provide valuable insights. Some ecommerce platforms use specific URL structures, such as “/product/” or “/category/,” which can indicate the platform being used. Compare the website’s URLs to those of popular platforms to identify similarities.

19. Explore the Developer Console

Most web browsers have a Developer Console that allows you to view the website’s underlying code and network requests. Open the console by right-clicking on the website and selecting “Inspect” or “Inspect Element.” Look for any network requests or console logs that mention the platform’s name.

20. Contact the Website Owner

If all else fails and you’re genuinely curious about the ecommerce platform being used, you can try reaching out to the website owner. Use the provided contact information on the website or social media channels to ask them directly. Some may be willing to share their platform details with you.


Identifying the ecommerce platform behind a website may require some detective work, but with the methods outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to uncover the underlying platform. Remember to check the footer, analyze the source code, use online tools like BuiltWith, and explore various clues such as URLs, error messages, and design templates. Happy investigating!

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